This section shows how to conduct monotone fitting with monotone splines with the existing optimization toolbox. The smoothing parameter can be tuned by cross-validation. We also compare the monotone splines with the popular smoothing splines (R's implementation smooth.spline
using MonotoneSplines
using Plots
using Random
using RCall
Cubic Curve
n = 100
seed = 1234
σ = 0.2
x = rand(n) * 2 .- 1
y = x .^3 + randn(n) * σ
λs = exp.(range(-10, -4, length = 100));
Perform cross-validation for monotone fitting with smoothing splines,
@time errs, B, L, J = MonotoneSplines.cv_mono_ss(x, y, λs)
([0.03836494968310219, 0.038356054988443196, 0.038346860326416564, 0.03833810480828669, 0.03833030336201492, 0.0383181815212615, 0.038306086526776, 0.03829277370690645, 0.03827569988291665, 0.03825256780043086 … 0.041377653962167346, 0.04164026736341345, 0.041913261668632816, 0.04219672525984907, 0.042490701739591435, 0.04279519591471907, 0.04311015485047943, 0.04343543081198881, 0.0437708461692481, 0.04411615119567598], [0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; … ; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0], [3722.3861277938377 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; -5484.443813834549 2256.9009327110152 … 0.0 0.0; … ; 0.0 0.0 … 5.503905144035493 0.0; 0.0 0.0 … -5.4879608135793845 0.011543876496072695], 64)
Then plot the CV curve
scatter(log.(λs), errs, title = "seed = $seed")
Then we can choose λ
which minimized the CV error.
idx = argmin(errs)
λopt = λs[idx]
Fit with λopt
βhat, yhat = MonotoneSplines.mono_ss(B, y, L, J, λopt);
res = MonotoneSplines.mono_ss(x, y, λopt);
yhat = res.fitted
βhat = res.β
64-element Vector{Float64}:
Plot it
scatter(x, y)
scatter!(x, yhat)
We can also compare it with smooth.spline
spl = R"smooth.spline($x, $y)"
smooth.spline(x = `#JL`$x, y = `#JL`$y)
Smoothing Parameter spar= 0.8358156 lambda= 0.001106585 (13 iterations)
Equivalent Degrees of Freedom (Df): 7.05542
Penalized Criterion (RSS): 3.174281
GCV: 0.03674491
it also determine λ
by cross-validation,
λ = rcopy(R"$spl$lambda")
we can plot its fitting values together,
yhat_ss = rcopy(R"predict($spl, $x)$y")
scatter!(x, yhat_ss)
For ease of demonstrating other examples, we wrap up the above procedures as a function
function demo_mono_ss(x, y, λs)
errs, B, L, J = MonotoneSplines.cv_mono_ss(x, y, λs)
fig1 = plot(log.(λs), errs, xlab = "λ", ylab = "CV error", legend=false)
λopt = λs[argmin(errs)]
λ_mono_ss = [round(λopt, sigdigits = 4), round(log(λopt), sigdigits=4)]
yhat = MonotoneSplines.mono_ss(x, y, λopt).fitted
fig2 = scatter(x, y, label = "obs.")
scatter!(fig2, x, yhat, label = "mono_ss (λ = $(λ_mono_ss[1]), logλ = $(λ_mono_ss[2]))")
# ss
spl = R"smooth.spline($x, $y)"
λ = rcopy(R"$spl$lambda")
λ_ss = [round(λ, sigdigits = 4), round(log(λ), sigdigits=4)]
yhat_ss = rcopy(R"predict($spl, $x)$y")
scatter!(fig2, x, yhat_ss, label = "ss (λ = $(λ_ss[1]), logλ = $(λ_ss[2]))")
return plot(fig1, fig2, size = (1240, 420))
demo_mono_ss (generic function with 1 method)
Growth Curve
λs = exp.(range(-10, 0, length = 100));
σ = 3.0
σ = 3.0
x, y, x0, y0 = MonotoneSplines.gen_data(n, σ, z->1/(1-0.42log(z)), xmin = 0, xmax = 10)
scatter(x, y)
scatter!(x0, y0)
demo_mono_ss(x, y, λs)
σ = 2.0
σ = 2.0
x, y, x0, y0 = MonotoneSplines.gen_data(n, σ, z->1/(1-0.42log(z)), xmin = 0, xmax = 10)
scatter(x, y)
scatter!(x0, y0)
demo_mono_ss(x, y, λs)
σ = 0.5
σ = 0.5
x, y, x0, y0 = MonotoneSplines.gen_data(n, σ, z->1/(1-0.42log(z)), xmin = 0, xmax = 10)
scatter(x, y)
scatter!(x0, y0)
demo_mono_ss(x, y, λs)
Logistic Curve
λs = exp.(range(-10, 0, length = 100));
σ = 0.2
σ = 0.2
x, y, x0, y0 = MonotoneSplines.gen_data(n, σ, z->exp(z)/(1+exp(z)), xmin = -5, xmax = 5)
scatter(x, y)
scatter!(x0, y0)
demo_mono_ss(x, y, λs)
σ = 1.0
σ = 1.0
x, y, x0, y0 = MonotoneSplines.gen_data(n, σ, z->exp(z)/(1+exp(z)), xmin = -5, xmax = 5)
scatter(x, y)
scatter!(x0, y0)
demo_mono_ss(x, y, λs)